Veng'stross, Grey Orc Sword Cultist

Stat Value Bonuses
Str: 17 +2 to hit, +3 damage
Int: 14
Wis: 16
Con: 10 fight for 24 rounds
Dex: 16 +2 missile, -3 AC,
Cha: 9
Mag: 15 Spell Points: 0
Level: 14 XP: 981,900 Next: 1,050,000 Needs: 68,100 Created: 15/09/2009
Hit Dice: d8 Hits: 39 Locations: Hd:6 Ch:31 Ab:23 Lm:10 Languages: Common, orcish
Armour: Studded AC: 4 Parental: Grave Robber (orph) Age: 17

Skills: Spirit Sense 84%, Silent Move Rural 100%, Silent Move Urban 100%, Spirit Stance, Double Strike, Dimensional Shift, Iron Hand 1/rd, Spirit Defence, Whirlwind Attack, Lightning Draw (1st) 102% STI: 70% Dodge: 102% x2

Weapon Katana Weapon Wakizashi Weapon Sling bullet
Attacks 3 at +2 Attacks 3 at +2 Attacks 3 at +2
Damage 1d12+31 Damage 1d6+17 Damage 2d8+17
Critical 19-20x2 Critical 19-20x2 Critical 20x2
Parries 3 at 100% Parries 4 at 90% Parries
Extras Stun 15+ SMB 1/rd Disarm 67% LD 62% Kill 20+ Spiritual (loaned by Medrina) Extras Disarm 72% LD 72% Rondstern, -5 left handed Extras LD 72% Specialist
Weapon Weapon Weapon
Attacks Attacks Attacks
Damage Damage Damage
Critical Critical Critical
Parries Parries Parries
Extras Extras Extras

Description: Blackish-red hair, yellow eyes.
"There is no God but the Edge of the Blade; There is no Power but the Grip on the Hilt."
Mandrend - fellow deader slightly out of phase
Bandas - leader of dead Malakar priests on Limbo
Vanyar - Archpriest Malakar
Elberan - minor lord in Aldegarde
Akihito - elderly retired swordsaint, dead
Jakeru - sensei of sword school in Aldegarde
Zeran - Rosen vampire security advisor from Bretonia
Avalar - First Student, young man, untrained natural
Crastus - Avalar's father, embittered veteran cripple
Red Sun - Darklander spirit master, student
Sprawl - major devil imprisoned by Illeum
Zeferina the Shadow Maker - ?name for Medrina
Aglost - village
Sir Manjar - Last Middenheim knight, recruited
Len - Elenorian grunt, sworn to year & a day service
Sokiel - body trader
Bazatra - witch puppet of Malakar, dead
Vorten - Jarik priest of junctiontown
Xorak - Jezzoh assassin

Equipment: Studded, trousers, cloak, backpack & kit, katana, wakazasi, sling and bullets

Items: -

Created 15/12/2009 by GreyChar v2.4